We already forgot which week in the raw we have hot and sunny at this moment. Our staff again worn in shorts and sunglasses welcomed two...
Week number six of the season 2018in the Belousiha River Lodge. This week we are welcomed 7 guests Barrett, Eric, Nick and Richard from USA, Canadian Kip, Italian Matteo and English Steve. With us also was Berndt who keep fishing since prev...
Middle of July. The equator of, probably, the hottest season of Belousiha River Lodge is coming. Lodge are welcomed 8 guests. 5 Americans: 2 brothers Pat and Pit, Patrick, Bruce and Ken, 2 Germans Gerhard and Berndt, and also Canadian Wil...
The second week of July. Belousiha River Lodge are welcomed 8 guests: 2 Hugh’s, Paul and Frank from UK and Bruce, David, Phil and Gary from USA. The weather did not change...
Third year in the raw the first week of July is booked by the fly fishing team from Italy, Denmark and Iceland. The rivers Belousiha and Voronya meet old friends: Giovanni, Morten, Peter, Lasse, Magnus, Andrea and also Carlo and Ottavio whi...
The second fishing week Belousiha River Lodge was waiting with big interest because we accommodated 10 guests:8 fishermen and 2 cameramen. 7 Japanese: Junya, 2 Hiroshis, Keysuke, Yutaro, Masahiko and Kenji, and 3 Americans Helly, Scott...
n June 15 the fly fishing camp Belousiha River Lodge welcomed the first guests - five Americans: JC, Chet and also family: Penny, John and their son Reed. Weather during a week was beautiful: four solar truly summer days with a temperature...
Not all anglers know that since a season 2017 fishing program of the Belousiha River Lodge have totally changed, to be exact was grandiosely extended! Every season the guests arriving to the Lodge with great interest the last 10 kilometers...
There came the fifth fishing week on the rivers Belousiha and Voronya. The camp welcomed the southern guests from Krasnodar Krai Evgeny and Alexey - friends of Dmitry Drozdov and Ilya Puryshev who with them also came to make the next movie...
At the calendar equator of the summer 15th of July rivers Belousiha and Voronya met three guests from foggy Albion - England: Victor, Colin and the absolute champion by quantity and the size of the caught Atlantic salmon in last se...
On July 7 rivers Belousiha and Voronya are welcomed the guest from the cultural capital of Russia - St. Petersburg, Vasily and old friends Englishman Tony and German Gerhard. The summer proceeded: the sun fried, air temperature varied fro.....
On the first of July the Belousikha River welcomed six guests from Europe. Two Italians, Giovanni and Andrea, three Danes, Morten, Peter and Leszo and Icelander Magnus. Giovanni and Morten were camp guests last season and looked forward to...
The opening of the fishing season on the river Belousiha in 2017 was scheduled for June 24, a whole two weeks later than the traditional start time. The reason for this shift is known to all lovers of salmon fishing on the Kola - an unusual...
In the first week of autumn on Belousiha base in search of sea trout came Dmitry Drozdov. This time he came not alone, with a friend of Andrey. The weather was autumn, far from being an Indian summer. The cloudless nights the northern light...
In late August, the river Belousiha received guests from England: the two Johns, Steve and Tony. The weather was changeable: the wind constantly switching directions, with frequent rain, and chilly drizzle. The sun mostly hid itself, just...
In mid-August Belousiha river received friends Alexander and Igor. The weather was not stable. The air temperature for six days increased from 12 to 22 degrees accompanied by northerly winds. The water temperature better at 13-14 degrees, a...
Four guests from Moscow arrived to Belousiha river lodge. More conducive to good fishing, this week was overcast, and the temperature did not rise above 17 ° C. The wind blew from the east and south. The water level continued to fall, a...
This week four guests arrived to the Belousiha River Lodge. Three Russians and one Swiss. The days were mostly sunny, and the daytime temperature often reached 22 ° C. Just one day was cloudy, and cool, at + 12 ° C. The water level...
The Belousiha river lodge received guests from the two Russian cities Moscow and Saratov. The temperature did not fall below 11 degrees and did not rise above 16. The water level in the river continued to fall, and fell well below the avera...
In the first week of July, the camp welcomed guests from three countries: England¸ Denmark and Italy. All week the weather was hot. The air temperature during the day did not fall below 16 degrees. On average, remained at the level of...