In the first week of July, the camp welcomed guests from three countries: England¸ Denmark and Italy. All week the weather was hot. The air temperature during the day did not fall below 16 degrees. On average, remained at the level of 20. As a result, the camp switched over to night work, no small measure as everybody from the cooks to the cleaners world was shaken. But the camp is always prepared to do whatever is has to that the anglers may have the very best chances. The water level in the river Belousiha during the week fell by no less than eight cm and became below average for the time of year. Combined with winds blowing from the south the water temperature reached 20 degrees. It was decided to also investigate the river Voronya which did not exceed 14 degrees all week, and was mostly on or around the magical figure of 12 degrees.
On the first night on Belousiha three Atlantic and a Pacific salmon were landed. Morten and Giovanni being responsible. Morten, from Denmark, landed the first pink salmon of the season, on the pool "Glinka" with a “Monkey Fly” being responsible for its downfall, followed by Irish Shrimp and Green Butt tricking two Atlantic salmon, both at 55 cm. Next Giovanni on the "Obkom" landed 58 cm male of the same Irish Shrimp .
On the second night, Gordon on "Three steps" caught an Atlantic salmon of 60 cm on a Bomber, perhaps highlighting the water temperature. On the pool "Obkom" Stephen Hunt landed a 75cm female on the fly “Cascade”. Giovanni scored again, on the "Glinka II" again on a “Monkey Fly” a 58 cm Atlantic salmon and a further two lost..
The third night our guests went to the Crow River, where results surprised even the most experienced guides. The zone targeted was split into right bank, and left bank. On the right bank no less than 5 Atlantic salmon were landed. On the fly Cascade, Gordon caught two salmon of 88 and 82 cm. Giovanni was fishing like a man possessed, this big, fast, water being everything he loves in salmon fishing. It was impossible to get him out of the water, even for lunch. On his favourite Monkey Fly he landed three clonking females of 91, 84 and 94 cm. After each fish landed, Danish and Italian shouts of joy were heard a full kilometre along the river, as Giovanni and his fishing companion Mortan danced a jig and sang "Katyusha".
The fourth night again was divided into left and right bank on the River Voronya. The feature of this river is that you can go with the quad along the banks on both sides throughout the stretch. On the left bank this time, again was to be heard the shouting and dancing of Morten and Giovanni - they landed two salmon 89 and 94cm respectively. On the right bank Tiger and Stephen Hunt, our charismatic guests from England caught 90 and 80 cm salmon with the flies Irish Shrimp and Ally Shrimp being responsible. Three salmon were lost. Morten in particularly lost a monster with a fish that made his reel scream as no reel has screamed before. That fish, although lost, will never leave his memory, and will bring him back year after year we are sure.
The fifth night again back on the Voronya. Again the right bank again Giovanni again Cascade Monkey -. Two salmon of 82 and 55 cm. Finally, Bo landed his first fish on Voronya after much patient and well executed angling. And what a fish. Forty minutes later he landed a one meter salmon. With much elation, his guide encouraged him to go to lunch, but Giovanni shouted to him from the other side “do not stop fishing !!!!!!” - twenty minutes and a second salmon back on the hook. This time a 99cm male. Both fish were landed at the Cascade. Giovanni, with a unique view of the swim from the opposite bank, had seen what the guide had not. Another huge fish jumping whilst the first was being played.
On the sixth day the fishermen are divided. Six went to the Crow River. Two remained at Belousiha. Fishing on the left bank, and much encouraged by their guide, Giovanni and Morten went to the island where Bo had encountered his two big beasts. No less than three three salmon of 81, 82 and 85 cm were landed - Cascade Monkey being once more a very attractive lure to the fish. The second half of the day our anglers were divided. Some remained in camp, to sleep a normal night and return to “day” mode, whilst others fished a final time on Belousiha. Giovanni again in the action, with two salmon in the pool "Three steps", 50 and 52 cm on the Irish Shrimp. And Neal caught a fish, after quietly and patiently fishing hard all week. At the pool " Glinka" He landed a 56 cm salmon.
Loud, funny, intelligent, impressive and just good people remembered our rivers and the staff for a long time. Many promise to come back next year. We wait with hope.
Result of the week:
Eight fishermen
Caught: 25 Atlantic salmon
Missed: 9 Atlantic salmon
Record of the week - 100 cm Atlantic salmon was caught by rod switch # 7 class fly-Cascade.
Fishing week: 07.01.16 - 07.08.16 |
Date |
Number of rods |
Number of Atlantic salmon caught |
Hooked but not landed Atlantic salmon |
1-2 july |
3 |
2-3 july |
3 |
2 |
3-4 july |
5 |
2 |
4-5 july |
4 |
2 |
5-6 july |
4 |
3 |
6-7 july |
3 |
7-8 july |
3 |
Total : |
8 |
25 |
9 |