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Belousiha river

The Belousiha River has a number of characteristics that differentiate it from other rivers in the Kola Peninsula. The first is that it is a tributary of a much larger river and therefore fishes well in very high water. Belousiha has been known to provide sport when the main rivers are suffering a raging flood.

Secondly, the Belousiha never colours, even when the water is high. In this sense it is similar to many Icelandic rivers where it is possible sometimes to see salmon reacting to your flies.

Voronya river

The river Voronya was once, arguably, the most productive of Kola rivers, and the huge salmon that ran its 150 km length were the stuff of legends. Unfortunately in the mid 1960’s a series of hydro schemes restricted salmon to the lower 26 kms of the system. And until recent years, the river was heavily poached and became a shadow of its former self. However, the good news is that this wonderful river has passed into the care of the Belousiha Lodge management team.


In the Arctic tundra on the plateau, between the birches, rocky hills and many lakes on a bend of the river stays fly fishing camp “Belousiha River Lodge.

The camp is located just in 150 km from Murmansk and not required helicopters flights. Staying right on the middle of the river Belousiha , camp is the starting point of yours fishing adventures on our rivers.

The infrastructure of the camp is good developed but does not disturb to feel yourself in the middle of the wild nature.



Our friends from Denmark Frederik Laks Lorentzen and Jeppe Søgaard Nielsen filmed their trip to the Kola Peninsula. The movie about Love and Fly Fishing. This film is describing fishing on the river Voronya in August. New experience, feelings and some highlights are displaying in this Movie. Enjoy!!